Music Player
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam magna ligula, venenatis in semper non, auctor a felis. Praesent eget mi auctor, sodales velit vel, adipiscing metus. Sed varius tincidunt augue eu ultricies. Mauris porttitor magna nulla, vel egestas nunc eleifend in. Nulla pretium nec est sit amet laoreet. Donec ut quam vulputate, scelerisque ipsum id, molestie metus. Duis ut viverra enim, eget rhoncus purus. Donec viverra hendrerit nulla at euismod. Morbi vehicula quis nunc ac sagittis.
( | )

January 16th: Theme Released
January 15th:Ask post, quote, music player, meta tags coded.
January 14th: Basic design coded.

Click Here to Get The Code »


  1. 2-4 border images. 2 if the “SecondaryImages” option is turned off, 4 if it’s turned on. All the size has to be 300x300px.
  2. 2-8 additional links. Maximal 2 if the “RightBottomImages” option is turned off, Maximal 8 if it’s turned on.
  3. 400px posts.
  4. Second description box, for another description other than the main description or for updates list.
  5. Music Player, automatically on if you put a code to MusicPlayer text box.
  6. The colors are very customizeable.

about the theme
I’m not a monkey but I love Banana
— Kim Sunggyu
quote how profound
thematchgirllp Whispered:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam magna ligula, venenatis in semper non, auctor a felis. Praesent eget mi auctor, sodales velit vel, adipiscing metus. Sed varius tincidunt augue eu ultricies. Mauris porttitor magna nulla, vel egestas nunc eleifend in. Nulla pretium nec est sit amet laoreet. Donec ut quam vulputate,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam magna ligula, venenatis in semper non, auctor a felis. Praesent eget mi auctor, sodales velit vel, adipiscing metus. Sed varius tincidunt augue eu ultricies. Mauris porttitor magna nulla, vel egestas nunc eleifend in. Nulla pretium nec est sit amet laoreet. Donec ut quam vulputate, scelerisque ipsum id, molestie metus.

  • Jack: Hey, you know what sucks?
  • Lindsey: vaccuums
  • Jack: Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
  • Lindsey: black holes
  • Jack: Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
  • Lindsey: lava?
32,458 notes // demo // demo
chat post
  • Infinite
  • Infinitize
  • In The Summer
  • 584 plays


Infinite - In the summer

50 notes // kpopsongoftheday // kpopsongoftheday
in the summer infinite infinitize
  • 26,411 plays

1/? cases of Infinite sounding perfect

3,813 notes // myungsoopermans // myungsoopermans

infinite throughout 2013

2,474 notes // yuu-n // yuu-n
6,664 notes // babomyungs // thegfactory-deactivated20131105



In addition to my face there is a small cookie ,can you see it?

Is my face important? but you can’t eat my face!

- L’s messages from Infinite official fan cafe

820 notes // aerintine // eteru


how to describe infinite in one gif

3,136 notes // kmsoos // gyupop